You thought once you had the internship you would stop worrying. All the hard work on your resume paid off. The truth is, you are now more worried than before….
Begin to Begin
First Happy 2016! May it be a productive and blessed year! I admit to being one of those people that hates to START anything on January 1st. We’ve all done…
What makes you credible?
I once met with a client and we talked about what she was hoping to focus her career direction towards. She mentioned helping companies create strategic business plans and specifically…
Thank you. Two little words that can make or break you.
When I was young, and still to this day, I write thank you notes when someone has given me their time, attention, advice. My initial Thank You is not an email, definitely…
Can YOU Picture Yourself In Your New Position? New Career? & Why Does It Matter Anyway?
I don’t mean just what suit you would wear, what pictures you might have on your desk (if you have a desk), what your signature block might look like on…